Is this a bug or am I doing something wrong?

I try to download some of the cursors for my laptop but I can only manage to get it to work on the browser I am using because it won’t download.
Am I doing something wrong?

Hello, welcome to the community! You are currently experiencing this issue as Sweezy Cursors only work on the browser you downloaded them on. As an extension, Sweezy Cursors does not have the capability to make changes to your system. However, if this is a feature you would like added, you could make a suggestion to @sweezy. Have a good day!

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As an extension, it can’t acess into the destop’s background

That is not Activelysane, That is ActivelyInsane, bro turned into an AI.

I act formal when it is needed. I got A+ on my english grade at at school.

Well I can see that.

i am a person with two sides

smart / devious

Activelyinsane323 is Activelysane323 in other multiverse

(Collected by experincing reading they chatting)

I can see that also

yes wait a minute let me contact @activelyinsane323

You are like Smiggle from Lord Of The Rings

A bad side
And a good side


hello there!

well hello

i am activelysane’s multiverse brother

Well hello there

I know that. Wonder what my Universal brother looks like
