Just a question

is it true that the most common places for monsters to appear are in sweezy sites like sweezy cursors,doodles and custom youtube progress bar? i really need to find new monsters for my collection :smiling_face_with_tear:


Thank you for your inquiry! We’d like to clarify that although Bro-Mons are guaranteed to appear on our Sweezy sites such as Sweezy Cursors and Custom Doodles, this does not affect your chances of encountering them compared to other websites.

Please be aware that, due to Google’s restrictions, our extension is not operational on certain pages, including the Chrome Web Store and internal browser pages like New Tab, Downloads, Bookmarks, History, and Settings. As a result, you will not encounter Bro-Mons on these pages.

Bro-Mons can appear on almost any other website, offering equal opportunity for encounters across the web.

Additionally, visiting our sites offers the bonus of discovering new cursors and doodles for your other Sweezy extensions.

Happy exploring and collecting! :space_invader::mag::sparkles:

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