Kaiser's Bro Mon Guide πŸ˜€ (v1.45) (OUTDATED) click the link at the bottom for the wiki post I will not be editing this no more

Sure, just pinned it for 3 months :round_pushpin:

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:slight_smile: Yayy!

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updated v1.32

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Revive this post ;-;

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thank you for the guide i am a principe

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what do you mean Principe?

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β€œWE FILLING UP THE BRO DEX WITH THIS ONE :speaking_head::speaking_head::speaking_head::fire::fire::fire:”

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I was going to tell you to put solar flutter in epic rarity but you already did it so thats that i guess.

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Can you uptade this to 1.32?

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Is there any way to farm Bro-mons?

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Well technically using the method mentioned in the guide but not really

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we hit 600 views thanks guys I’m so happy ill work the wiki and keeping this thread active tysm everyone I truly am grateful for all of you.

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i found the best way to get bromons quick
just go around google and search up whatever you want, just try to visit as much random sites as possible, as there is not just a timer but it also depends on the frequency you browse

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You missed out on the emoji golem in the rarity list, which is a legendary.

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I already knew this also its timer so its like lets say 30m timer then the frequency they wont spawn unless timer is done.

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its an epic that was changed into a legendary rarity later on.

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GalictiPanda is an epic, pls update

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it was changed thanks for informing me

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