First of all welcome i hope you all enjoy bro mons as much as we all do
, second of all
this post is here as a welcome/starter page. for anyone who is new i realised that alot of posts are getting reposted pretty much idea’s etc. thats where the voting system comes in although it is awesome to see everybody’s idea’s logging on these forums and seeing the same 3 idea’s get reccomended gets boring so how about we try using the voting system the voting system is a great way to represeant how many people are in favor of an idea
Some Threads You should check out Which should behold a good amount of information:
My Sick lil guide: Kaiser's Bro Mon Guide 😀 (v1.31) - #22 by kaiser
Some Enhancement Idea’s: Shloopy's idea's! - #3 by sweezy (sweezy has responded so if you want to see what might be added ^^ check it out)
Post Your Custom Bromons: Show off your custom Bro Mons here 🎨🎨😖🖌️ - #12 by Kunomi