@M_nh_Trn is posting inappropriate images!

um what did I just find

also anyone wanna play? https://gartic.io/011QITgM

u left

yea sorry here’s new link https://gartic.io/011s70aU

jokes are just funny jokes when everyone likes and is for everyone

Hey everyone,

Just a heads-up: posting images with inappropriate content is not allowed in our Sweezy Community. This can lead to a ban.

@M_nh_Trn, we’re giving you a pass this time since you realized your mistake and promised not to do it again.

@catstrophe, remember that offensive language is also off-limits, even if it’s marked as a spoiler.

Thanks for understanding and keeping our community safe and friendly!


@sweezy can u check my post

say bai bai
ur literally posting weird anime girl pics

Lol i think i need to take another darn break
bye see you guys in another month

see ya

bro why anime pics :skull: tho

they don’t know this is

kid u js came back-

now ur switching again-

nahh pls ban him/her

sorry @sweezy

honestly i think the person who put the weird picture should be banned for a week

no hate


can u help me