@M_nh_Trn is posting inappropriate images!

@M_nh_Trn is postin inappropriate images!
Please ban him!
Click below only if you want to see what images he posted!
[images was removed]

@sweezy ban him.
I already flagged too

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yes me too @sweezy

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Hmmm trn that seems familer

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His account life might end now

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No sr​:sweat::sweat:
I delete the img
Dont ban me
I trust
Sr everione
I think is not good joke​:sweat::sweat::sweat:

:ㅣ bru

The only time i read the Terms And Conditions :codebug: :codebug:


How u get those emojis lol

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Go to emojis and scroll all the way down

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woah cool!

:bromon: Yay!

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:bromon: :bromon2: :codebug: :codebug:

Don’t get mad at me- WHAT THE!

what happend to day just f----
:pensive: :pensive: :pensive: :pensive: :pensive: :pensive: :pensive: :pensive: :pensive: :bromon2:

:sweat: :sweat: :sweat: :sweat: :sweat: today will be known as the worst day in sweezy history

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no not really… He-Who-Shall-Not-Be-Named was worse

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u change it

Sweezy changed my post… I gtg