Membership request please stop ARBA


antil = against
villain league
there against villians

lol I don’t watch despicable me

a.r.b.a plz let me join.

bro just join the group @A.R.B.A

No she is only 7!!

honestly, ARBA is a good thing, it helps us keep bad people in the community away.

Yes…but the request is actually annoying

isn’t there a way to turn notifications off

Yes…but if I do it,the other notifications will…

I just ignore it


its the only solution

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So if I want to join I send a request?


So what now?

I am pretty good at uhh… making people stop being rude ,but I use the roasting method. :sweat_smile:

did you write a reason why you want to be in the ARBA?

Uhhh think so…

ok then just wait and they will add you, eventually