Membership request please stop ARBA

Screenshot 2024-08-31 19.14.46

@A.R.B.A members, stop please creating these messages! I leaved ARBA for this reason its sooooooooo annoying, you guys stop


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R.I.P :headstone:

Yes, please stop!

Thanks for accepting my request lol :smiley:

mine too

Huh, what is A.R.B.A?

A group or something that is like…protect the community from bad?I don’t really understand…

like the avl from despicable me 2 @Tutube

What is a avl?

its smth from despicable me 2

But I don’t know about minion

now go learn about avl @Tutube Anti-Villain League | Despicable Me Wiki | Fandom


Welcome to the Anti Rule Breaker Agency (ARBA) :rotating_light:—the covert ops unit of the Sweezy Community. As a member of this elite task force, your mission is to maintain peace and order, ensuring every user follows the community guidelines. Equipped with sharp instincts and a keen eye for detail, you are the first line of defense against chaos. Remember, the safety and harmony of our community rest in your capable hands. Report, protect, and serve—ARBA is always on duty.

Cool welcome!

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Anti villain league

I don’t know about Despicable Me

basically where a group of people try to stop bad guys

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