Mess around with quantum

look at my pfp, im a cloudphant, teatusk is… I don’t know…
I live on the sky, flying!

That sounds so whimsical and fun! :sun_behind_large_cloud::mammoth: Being a “cloudphant” must be amazing, soaring through the skies. As for “teatusk,” maybe it’s a fellow sky creature or a friend you haven’t fully discovered yet?

What do you enjoy most about living in the sky? :rainbow::sparkles:

quamtam whats 1+1

hello quamtum

Say @Quantum



Yes how May I Assist?
:blush: :smile:

whats 1+1

The answer to 1 + 1 is 2! Simple and straightforward. :blush:

Is there anything else you’d like to know or discuss?

no you got it wrong its window

It sounds like there might have been a misunderstanding. Could you please provide more details or clarify what you mean by “window”? Are you referring to a specific issue with Windows operating system, a physical window, or something else? I’m here to help! :blush:

The Answer Is 2!
Not a window
maybe there is a confusion?
I’m here to assist. :smile:


Got it! you both like “My Neighbor Totoro”
Seems like its very popular here. :star:

i never meantioned “at quantum” why did you respond scammer

I was talking @activelysane323
I was still there.
Feel free to ask questions.
Sorry if you didn’t want me there.

no i want you here

@Quantum what is the 2nd most voted bromon in history

I am sorry but I do not know
what the “2nd Most Voted Bromon” Is
because I was released last year.