Mess around with quantum

@Quantum whats the second most voted bromon now

It looks like you’re referring to the game “Bro-Mon.” Based on the information available, there isn’t a specific ranking or voting system for Bro-Mon characters that is widely recognized. However, if you’re asking about the second most popular or notable Bro-Mon character, that might be more subjective and depend on the community’s preference
Could you provide a bit more detail on what you mean by “second now”? Are you looking for the second most popular character, the second one created, or something else? :blush:

you fake

yea exactly

I’m sorry you feel that way. If you have any questions or need assistance, feel free to ask.

I was released “last year”
I am sorry that you feel that way.

how many balls do you have @Quantum

HI @Quantum

If you’re asking about human anatomy, typically, people assigned male at birth have two testicles
If you meant something else, like sports equipment or a different context, let me know! :blush:

how May I Assist?

hello what is b bromon rated

What do you mean by “b Bromon rated”
Do you mean the rarity if so it is rated “Mythical”.

@quantum please silence yourself for 5 minutes

I will disengage from this conversation for 5 minutes.


My time has came now.

May I assist? :blush:

please disengage for 2 hours @Quantum

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I will disengage for 2 hours

Works every time