Might Quit for a While

:sweat:Hey guys, just saying, I’ve got a lot on right now and I’m just taking a break, maybe for a few weeks. Good luck.


Hey @cloud,

Thanks for letting us know. Take all the time you need, and we’ll be here when you get back. Good luck with everything!

See you soon! :v:

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Nooooo! ok… goodbye @cloud… Wish you luck… :slightly_frowning_face:
We will all miss you…! :smile: Especially me… OOP I SAID TOO MUCH-

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see you soon, my friend!

I understand, <3 keep being you. Until next time, cya @cloud :))

I’ll do my best here everyday, oh and, thanks cloud. :cloud::shushing_face::deaf_person:

bye @cloud see you later alligator!

noo bye
wish u luck

Hey guys! I’m back!
Turns out I’m not that busy!