Msg for sweezy (wiki related)

I need pictures of the Bro Mons to add to the wiki. It’s fine if you can; I just don’t want to use the low-quality screenshots I can take. I did explore the game files, and I couldn’t find anything there other than the original Bro Mon logo.

Discord: :link: Sweezy Community Server (Unoffical)

:link: shh. :shushing_face: (bio)

“Not all those who wander are lost.”

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How about if I send you pictures of bro-mon cards for the wiki?

These will be GIF cards, similar to those in the upper left part of the extension window.


Okay, I’ll share a link to the archive in dm later. In the meantime, I’ll go ahead and do an update for Bro-Mon.

also does the background affect a bro mons dmg like elementally


Yes, I had that idea. It would be cool if the battle room affected certain bro-mons, for example, strengthening or weakening certain types of monsters.
But it’s difficult to do everything at once, so we’ll add new mechanics with new updates.