My bro-mon collection is done

Lets Go :D!!! I am so Happy

well done! Bro-Mon Master!!

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No :frowning: I don’t have it yet + how did you get it don’t you not have catstrophe

I don’t have the badge yet But i will

“This distinction is reserved for those exceptional community members who don’t just play Bro-Mon; they bring life to our Bro-Mon corner and reach out directly to the admin to claim their well-deserved badge.”

So I don’t think you need to have all the Bro-Mons to get this Badge

I do

I really do

Well… I don’t know if you need to have all the Bro-Mons or not to have this badge but @sweezy gave it to me and I’m sure she will soon give it to you too

Well done! You get EmojiGolem!

Thx + I have Bringing life to the bro-mon corner & play it



Screenshot 2024-07-27 11.15.34 AM

Thatz @SophiaBeifong


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