My Bro-Mon idea (Bo-Blox)

This bro-mom is inspired by the logo of the game Roblox.
Name: Bo-Blox
Rarity/Crush : Common or Uncommon
Type: Browsarrr
Description: This Bro-Mon is inspired by a game Roblox with millions of different games for you to play and discover, but this bro Mon only plays one game, destroy them all! He is keen to keep up his players for all of his fans! (You can change this devs if you like!)
Idea: So many games I saw!, Time to go explore!
Screenshot 2024-07-04 13.19.27

Good job I really like this you deserve a vote!

Thank you!

it’s name sounds like :b:oblox

why not Ro-Box

The reason why I did not do Roblox is because I wanted to make this bro-mon more unique!

I already made this isea please delete it!

idk how to delete posts?

um u can just change it :3

i think this should be an Iconix instead of Browsarrr

Acc just click the trash can button

After u click the … button

Why ddint u delete this

it does not let me, it says I don’t have permission.

you can let it stay anways as it is not a direct copy of the idea

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Sure ig

heres how u can tell da difference between ig/iguess IG= Instagram ig= i guess idk lol

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Bruh :baby: