Nerd Bro-mon (New idea)

It’s literally just a nerd emoji:

Spawning: Pushes glasses up
Attacking: Does math equation
Dying: Glasses fall off

I don’t think it’s been done before, I hope not


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Bro stop why do you hate my ideas?

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i will vote because i feel sad for you

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why do you feel sad for me?

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what? when did i say i hate your ideas?

not you there was some sort of bot or something called “hatred” that went to nearly every idea and said really negative stuff, they also swore a bunch

he’s not hating bro he is saying lol

i wasn’t talking about him the hate comment was from a bot or something but got deleted by Sweezy

uhhh u should of replied to it then it will show a PFP aight

it got deleted before i could, sorry for the confusion

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oh lol

oh thats bc if you comment right after a person replies it dont appear

nope it does as far as ik

look like this

no pfp lol

said who

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me lol

ERM it works for me :nerd: :point_up_2:

wdym it didnt work rn