New Bro-Mon "CatGPT"

Name: CatGPT
Rarity: Mythical
Type: Clever / Feline
Catchphrase: Feline in the mood for assistance?
CatGPT is a quick-witted and curious bro-mon with a playful personality. Known for always having the purr-fect answer, he uses his sharp mind and feline agility to outsmart opponents. Whether he’s solving puzzles or batting away challenges, CatGPT charms everyone with his cleverness and cat-like grace.

why!? that song!! :sob:

but i like it voted

i think you should add a cathphrase. now that song is stuck in my head! :sob:





I love your concept of a chatGPT bro mon!

bro this is prob the best bro-mon idea ive seen in a while!

i k r
bro grammarly just gave me a pop-up ad lol


bro I was at full volume ):


aww so cute voted

i love it! what a creative idea, im surprised! voted! <3

This idea is about “Quality not Quantify”!

And let’s fix it a bit:

Rarity should be Rare or Epic

Type will be either Cybrrr or Wildify

Catchphrase can be “Fish in distance for assistance”

cool voted and cute

Is this not already an idea
