New bro-mon idea: chillophant

name: chillophant
crush: epic
type: wildify
catchfrase: “Chill out and ride the vibe—Chillophant’s got your back!”
description: Chillophant is the ultimate laid-back buddy. It’s always calm, loves to hang out by the water, and radiates peaceful vibes. Instead of engaging in unnecessary battles, Chillophant prefers to relax and “go with the flow.” It’s the bro-mon you call when you need support and positivity.

AWW! cool voted

Could i borrow that photo?

it is ai made by DALL*E

but still cool idea voted

love this voted!

so cute voted


Awwww so cute! Voted!

cool voted

So coooool voted

i love how original it is!

…I see…

its so so so cute u got my vote

is chill

I love thisss sooo cute!!!

LOFTWING! Loftwing!


if i get it i will do bro vs

never mind