New Bro-Mon idea- ErRoR

Name: ErRoR
Rarity: Unknown (???)
Damage: 24-38
Health: 63
Motto: “Lurking around the depths of the Internets darkest secrets…”
Description: ErRoR is a very rare type of species, which legend has it that ErRoRs once almost destroyed the multiverse, if you find one, you may be quite lucky because in that case it has been on the edge of a rainbow and may be quite dangerous to look at, with blood moon eyes, this horrifying power could possibly obliterate the universe. YT channel:
PS: @sweezy @Zizi-YT and the other Leaders plus Chief Chaos Coordinators pls Consider adding this to bro-mon (you wont regret it!)
Plus I will be adding Fanart to it so don’t forget it soon!
And also Sub to my channel on YouTube (link in desc)
Shout-out to these people: @sweezy , @SophiaBeifong , @Catstrophe and @Nathan
PS: suggest putting “Requested by @Monster_CatNap” at the bottom of description.
TY @Monster_CatNap Out!

Hey, nice idea here!
Also don’t forget that @cloud is a leader too, he will be back in a few weeks!
I like the name

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It looks ugly. Ill change it

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not bad

Screenshot 2024-06-13 10.45.38

Screenshot 2024-06-13 10.58.36

ATTENTION- This is a EVOLVING type of Bro-Mon, so it can evolve into more stronger sizes.
1st Evolve - Dmg 26 - 40 Health- 65 New Name: Red Demon
2nd Evolve - Dmg 28 - 42 Health- 67 New Name: Black Hole
3rd Evolve (Full Potential and Maximum power)- Dmg 30 - 44 Health- 70 Rarity- Chromatic New Name: Wrath
(3rd Evolve has to Require all The Mythicals an Legendaries to combine power)