New Bro-mon Idea: Fish man



  1. Name of Bro-mon=fishfish
  2. Element, for example, foodie, browsarr, or webby etc.=fanfave
  3. The description displayed at the back of the card.=he came from the waters of rivers to terrify everyone who crosses his path with his aquatic bubbles
  4. Describe what the Bro-mon looks like.=water
  5. Lastly, the Crush, or the rarity of the Bro-mon.=mystic

very good, nah?

vote in plis

Great drawing again! Also great description, I hope this gets added.


Why fanfave? If it’s not already existing, for example something from a video game, or a celebrity or something, it shouldn’t be fanfave.

copy of my avatar

I love it!

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:wink: np