New bro mon idea for a roblox dragon!

Screenshot 2024-08-27 194308
Type: Fanfav
Crush: Legendary or Epic
Quot : " The Mighty Roblox Roar!"

[Post removed. Reason: advertisement/unrelated]


I voted aswell @TheBssimulator this is kinda the idea we had when trying to come up with new bro-mon ideas


guys please vote for the roblox dragon and someone please pick the name for all roblox lovers


Please stop advertising your own ideas on other people’s posts, you have been told not to many times. It may cause confusion and make other people ignore the idea they clicked on.

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just leave 'em alone let them do them it’s not illegal to advertise ideas and also you need to do it to get a badge after all

It’s just annoying seeing advertising on other people’s great ideas, go advertise on Main Chat


It puts focus away from the topic at hand :joy:

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That was 11 days ago i dont advertise anymore


Please don’t advertise.

You people cant expect me to remove every post ive been warned once i dont need to be warned twice

ok sorry I didn’t realise that it was a while ago, I just came across it and responded.


name bloxxer

yes I can :3

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(Joke, maybe)