New bro mon idea for a roblox dragon!

A name could be " Lord Drakobloxxer " or a sfoth sword or smth idk

oh yea great idea!

i am confused

good idea i voted but one question what type of dragon will it be like a hydra or a space one?

stuff that only happens in roblox.

like maybe a fanfav even though there are people who do not like roblox its should be fanfav like chester and i think it should be legendary or epic and like Theodore_Everingham said its name can be Lord Drakobloxxer cuz the name is fab :nail_care: and decription will be “the mighty roblox roar!”

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19 roblox kids…

damn … 0_0


20 votes!

Thank you everyone!

now 21!

21 roblox kids…


guys ima try and sketch it!

Screenshot 2024-08-27 194308
Type: Fanfav
Crush: Legendary or Epic
Quot : " The Mighty Roblox Roar!"


HAHA WENT DOWN TO 20 VOTES. (dont even know how)

based on drawing you are estimated to be 8 years old, correct?

i think it’s a good bromon

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