New bro mon idea for a roblox dragon!

ye :smiley:

shut up you Fucing Karen

Yo @Hatred Stop Coming Onto This Website and Using Filthy Language To Get Attention Which Your Parents Clearly Never Gave you.

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i am sorry BUT I HATE ROBLOX. personal opinion

who is @hatred

Sweezy banned Him He was Saying The N word and Swearing

ahh not nice

yeah But don’t Worry He’s Banned

amazing idea

why is there a kid that needs to be about


hi the hater guy is just no thank you bro ligit sweared

and i do not mean you activiteysane i fine with you but the other guy who got banned is just a NO!

i understand please dont be mad at me for i am sorry to for the misunderstanding

Thank you everyone who dealt with @hatred!

I like Roblox so I vote

thank you so much!

and i mean everyone who helped me along the way

No one likes hatred any ways
