New Bro-Mon Idea - Harry Dotter

Hello Sweezy Community! Thanks for checking out my new idea, because it inspires me to make more!
New Bro-Mon Idea:
Name: Harry Dotter
Type: Iconix :movie_camera:
Rarity: Epic or Legendary :game_die:
Phrase: “It wasn’t a car crash!” im jk that’s too dark it’s actually: “Dots V.S Dark Arts!”
Description: Raised by his awful aunt and uncle, Harry Dotter hates his house, and would much rather be in his home, Hogwarts School Of Dotcrafts And Dottary with his friends Ron Dotley and Hermione Dotranger. Harry’s parents were slain by the the dark arts master Lord Dottermort, who also gave Harry his lightning shaped scar on his forehead, all of which are reasons Harry pursues his journey of defeating Lord Dottermort!
Image: I tried to draw it and failed miserably so @sweezy or someone else will have to draw it sorry.

Who wins?

  • Harry Potter
  • Voldemort
0 voters

I love it! I’m also a big fan of Harry Potter and this idea is fantastic! Look at this description, @sweezy should add it

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Love it!

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thanks so much for the support!!

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yeah j love I read all the books

awesome idea

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@somebodyXDXD do u like this idea?

very cool

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i give it Spongebob Awesome Squidward Pixel/10

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wow :star_struck:

they could also make his cousin Henry couldren (harry dotters cousin)

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oh god not again :sob:


good idea!

i give it
dog turtle


thanks lol

Better side character?

  • Ron
  • Hermione
0 voters

Ron is annoying :smile: and when I was nine I had a crush on Hermione :joy::joy::joy:

no way you had a crush on hermione

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