(New Bro-Mon Idea!) - HydrIce [DONE]


Name: HydrIce

Description: “Inside the coolest mountains resides HydrIce, a 3 headed menace of fruitful flavors uses fresh and fright to freeze opponents on their tracks, truly admirable, and tasty!”

Catchphrase: “Frezzes you in your tracks!”

Rarity (crush lv): Mythical

Type: Foodie

…Alert, this is a COLOSSUS type bro mon! Which means it will have increased stats, and you can fight it with other people! Upon defeat, it will return to being a regular mythical…

- Mythical Stat changes:
- hp 52 → 60
- Attack 13-19 → 16-18

I also gave an idea of ​​bro-mon hydra, but mine is totally different from yours… I really liked yours too!

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reshiram alert

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they’ve added an icecream dragon :+1:

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@sweezy should have added this instead of BrrBlaze tbh.

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ima keep this up top so that @sweezy can see it

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a loaf of bread

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BET! looks AWSOME!

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goofy ahh coment

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hopefully sweezy sees this one

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bruh why has nobody seen my upload yet

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since sweezy is here i’ll put trhis back at the top

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AGAIN!! AGAIN!!! SUM a ram sam sam a ram sam

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somebody please see this and get this on top :frowning:
@sweezy !!!

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Please, be patient.
I’m sure @sweezy will see this bro-mon, it’s a good idea.

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i just want to keep it up top so that @sweezy can see it

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