New bro-mon idea: InuYashiba (Inuyasha dog)


hey guys!
Its me here to suggest a new monster idea, inspired on the classic Inuyasha anime!

Name: InuYashiba
Rarity: Rare
Type: Iconix / Fanfave
Catchphrase: “Inuyashiba, Sit!”
Description: This half dog half demon bro-mon got a canine body and zero patience. InuYashiba is a grumpy warrior armed with a sword that’s bigger than his nose, always ready to “slice” through any demon drama! he’s got a soft spot for his friends, though he’d rather face a hundred demons than admit it!


@sweezy if you see that, please check out this please:

Thank you!
Hope its get added!

beautiful I like it

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Love the animation!


ty! Im begginer on this XD

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I am a two year animator!

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Im 3 or 4 days animator!

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your like a week I think I dunno

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just like ninjamaki!



Look Pokémonish but like it

Ahhhh I remember the good days of watching Inuyasha with my father. That big blade really did cut through stuff smooth like butter like a criminal i can’t afford the copyright

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please someone this is ded??
