New Bro-Mon Idea - PulsePal/CardioCritter [DONE]

Hello Sweezy Community! Thanks for checking out my new idea, because it inspires me to make more!
New Bro-Mon Idea:
Name: PulsePal or CardioCritter
Type: Oddballz :crystal_ball:
Rarity: Uncommon or Common :game_die:
Phrase: “Beating and living”
Description: PulsePal/CardioCritter arose when it fell of it’s body while beating (get it) it’s high score in the most famous game among hearts - Heart Crashers! PulsePal/CardioCritter is the heartiest heart around, and is always happy to be around! With cheerful beats, and happy jumps, PulsePal/CardioCritter will always be happy to bring life to anything, no matter what!

(I apologise for the fact that it looks like a psychopath, and it wasn’t meant to look like this).

nobody is here :neutral_face:

it’s amazing!

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Thank you so much!

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It doesn’t look psycopath

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Thanks :slightly_smiling_face:

welp this is dead

it got added!

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not dead

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and good job another bromon added AND you got leader, congrats man

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thanks, and yup! Today seems to be my lucky day!

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I don’t need luck… I have skill…

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haha lol

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true, true, indeed.

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did you know catstrophe is the og mythical

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nah I actually didn’t! Have you been here since the first update?

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no… got it in like February but someone told me because even if that was the only mythical then I wouldn’t know because I always lost to bromons



I gtg bai