New Bro-Mon Idea: Sir Platypus [DONE]

Platypus are my favorite animals, so I spent some time thinking about a good way to make it a Bro-Mon, here it goes:

Name: Sir Platepus

Type: Wildify :herb:

Rarity: Maybe :game_die: Rare or Epic

Phrase: “Clank, quack, conquer!”

Description: It’s a duck! It’s a beaver! No, it’s Sir Platepus! Ever since he was a duckling, he was enamored with medieval tales, now he can not lay an egg on his mission to defend the Palace of the Pond. If you ever find yourself in a flap, fear not! Here comes Sir Platepus, clinking and clanking, ready to dive into adventure.

Apparance: A biped platypus wearing a shiny plate armor with a sword and shield inspired by medieval knights of fantasy tales.

I like it!
[post moved to New Monster Ideas]

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Wow Cloud you can do that?! I didn’t know moderators can do that

This is really good!

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@PugPlays123 Bello

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Amazing idea!

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Amazing! I love the idea!

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That lokey is kinda fire

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Thanks!! Glad you liked it! @cloud @PugPlays123 @Jeekson @NinjaLA @SophiaBeifong @FirewallFenrir

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I just voted

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@sweezy Look at this master piece it must become a bro-mon!

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That’s true

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Come on guys! Lets make this on top again

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@sweezy pls add it!

based animal

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MUst HHaaVv iIttt!!!

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Wow, [@sweezy ] listen to the community and look at this incredible thing

@sweezy how about add this masterpiece with Ninjamaki?