New Bro-Mon Idea - Smart Cookie

Hello Sweezy Community! Thanks for checking out my new idea, because it inspires me to make more!
New Bro-Mon Idea:
Name: Smart Cookie
Type: Foodie :hamburger:
Rarity: Rare :game_die:
Phrase: “Such a smart cookie!”
Description: @sweezy or someone else will have to make this because I can’t think of anything sorry.

yum :cookie:


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uh oh!
hes here!

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haha thanks!!


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There’s already a cookie Bro-mon though.

2 turtles, 2 snakes, and 2 dragons, so why not 2 cookies?

and 3 elephants

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what is the 3rd?

Bubba Bubbaphant, Cloudphant and TeaTusk

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ooh yeah

2 golems and 2 robots,

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and two japanese foods

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true lol

4 cats

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