New Bro-mon Idea!: Sox Pupet

Name: Sox Pupet
Crush (level): Rare
Type: Oddballz
backstory: Sox Pupet was brought into existence when he was exiled from the shadow realm for not being evil. now he wanders your tabs trying to be evil and looking for mischief
Design (optional): basically he is just a purple sock puppet with goggly eyes (one bigger than the other) he has spiked teeth and a green snake tongue

Crocky’s friend

Ye the sock need some time in the washing machine

Lov it

yay :heart: :heart: :+1:t2: thx



Screenshot 2025-01-12 at 3.38.08 PM
six already<thx

so cool

you got my vote

i voted for your oreo kitty

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thank you soo much