New bro-mon idea yawnfrog [CLOSED]

Name: yawnfrog
Crush: uncommon
Description: yawn, lets sleep :zzz:

Hey! You copied me! I didn’t like that at all…

Please don’t repeat this :triumph:

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Oh and also post poved to New Monster Ideas :triumph:

sorry, I dont know that

Youch :cold_face:

Ye fr

But isnt there already enchfrog? Pls no more frogss

but there is not bro-mon start with y

Excuse me
2 dragons - Doug, BrrrBlaze
3 elephants - Cloudphant, Bubba Bubbaphant, Tea-Tusk
3 cats - Catstrophe, Fitty, HissingHat

Why not two frogs?

Oh yea

Sorry, but since this is very similar to Sophie’s idea. (no problem, it just happened that way). I’m closing this idea post.


Youch Sweezy closed :hot_face: