New Bro-Mon Idea

Name: WiGuy
Type: Webby :spider_web:
Crush (Rarity) Rare
Catch Phrase:"I’am still fast with low internet!
Description: A man chosen for a experiment got turned in ti WiGuy

wow, it’s look amazing!

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Thank you so much i thought nobody would like it:)

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Hey, have more confidence in yourself! This idea is great, why did you think no one would like it?

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this looks super cool!

Not sure there is lot of better things to vote for

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Value this idea! It is very good and don’t compare it to others.

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OK thanks for the advice


this needs to be bromon!

There’s already tons of Wifi Bro-mon ideas. Please browse or search for pre-existing ideas before posting.

wow it is amazing

nice drawing


I love your Bro-Mon idea

there are?

There are other ones but they didn’t have any information at all, so I think people prefer this one as it meets all the requirements. :slightly_smiling_face:

But none of them have been added yet and they are all different from each other, it’s nice to have a variety of options. But I don’t completely disagree with you.


this would be fun to use in bro-mon