New bro-mon! my second creation this is better then my first one [DONE]

this is my second creation bro-mon hope you like
name: scrappy
rarity: legendary or epic or rare
type: cybrrr
description: made from the broken alleyway from broken strong scrap metals on the floor

This is so sick. Voted!

thx bro i’ll make more bro-mons when i have a idea

Alright, maybe consider making a overcharge bro Mon with a rage mode and many other modes!

cool idea! Maybe it could be called scrappy or scrapper or something! Also great drawing

thanks well i made it on scratch it was hard

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Scratch! Nice idea you got here! Keep it up. Also all your ideas must be good :blush: don’t underestimate yourself:)

Could be related to my newly created (and sadly kind of ugly) MessMaker, because the scraps of metal could come from this bin!

What do you mean ugly?

I don’t know
Maybe it could look better?

Oop, I gotta go! Cya!


yo hello thx for voting this one to yeah me and my friends were trying to get the new bro-mons lol my friends got mess maker we liked it


thx bro

Thank you :smiley:
I made MessMaker

nice :smiley:

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The catchphrase should be made in china Lol
