New Bromon Concept: Scratch-Mon [DONE]

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there already is one BroMon Idea scratch cat - #88 by Erioto_Kakarot
see do not copy me

Yours is better than redpeashooter

Bro, mine was first. What are you talking about? Idiot. :man_facepalming:

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Fr I remember

How did both of ours get added

also you got 1 vote i get 42


Wait just a minute. I come back to this community after an long break, and I log in to see one of my ideas has been done?? THANK YOU SO MUCH @sweezy !! This means the world to me and I cannot express my gratitude in a way that portrays the magnitude of this decision of yours. Honestly, thank you so much. I never expected this silly little idea to be actually added to the game.

Its gonna get added :smiley:

BTW, when it comes out, could the first person to find it please send a screenshot to me? I really want to see how it came out because, as I mentioned earlier, I never expected this to be added to the game.
It would be very much appreciated. :grin:

Ok I will try.

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Well… it has not come out yet…

Yes, can’t wait for my bro-mon to be added

So if both is going to be add… A little theory:
They both will be credited to the bro-mon. Stuff either get mixed, one side only or all new