New bromon= HydroFrisk

legendary, cybrre, two headed cybre dragon.

phrase= detecting viruses, stopping scams.

paragraph= hydrofrisk, started off in a kid’s computer. He travelled through the technology, curious about everything. but all that fun stopped when he came across a virus. He has not dealt with one before, what should he do?! the virus takes over, and his life in the kid’s computor, ENDS…
Hydrofrisk reincarnated in a different laptop, this time prepared of what he might come across. with his cybre head, he can blast powerful lasers at the cross button, defeating the virus. Hydrofrisk is stronger now, so you would’nt want to mess with him…

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i like it


btw what it looks like:

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i didn’t draw it but it would be so cool if it would’ve actually looked like that.

I guess it will be more cartoon