New Bromon Idea - ByteBeagle (3o4z and activelysane323)

Idea by @3o4z
Design by @activelysane323
name: ByteBeagle
crush: Rare
type: cybrr
catchphrase: "Barks n’ bytes!”
description: Fused from organic and mechanical elements, this creature is the perfect mix of cuteness and technology. With its endearing animal features and sleek, friendly robotic components, it embodies innovation and charm, making it an adorable companion for all.

if you like it PLEASE LEAVE A VOTE!

(Origional post: New Bro-Mon Idea - ByteBeagle) - @3o4z

Cool,I’ll change topic to New monster idea Caterogy.

? ok

Now we got 2 topic about 1 bro-mon.What is the main topic about this bro-mon idea?

this one

Then the other?

was nothing

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if u like it vote pls

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you have my vote

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