New Bromon Idea Javiper/ Java-Viper

Hello everyone @TheBssimulator and i have finished making this bromon. It is called Java-Viper or Javiper (whatever you want tell me which name is better). Please vote if you like this new bromon idea.
Crush: Rare
Type: Webby
Catchphrase: “Syntax striker”
Description: A sleek, blue-orange serpent adorned with Java code patterns. Agile and intelligent, it glides gracefully, blending coding prowess with a gentle touch. Perfect for tech-savvy trainers!

if you like it and think it would be a great addition to the game then PLEASE vote for it.

what abot Python


it should be python (as in the coding language idk what its called) but this idea still pretty solid ig

I like it IM VOTIN :smiley:

yeah i was thinking about python but i decided java would be better


I will make a python if you want :slight_smile: Wanna work on it together again?


okk ima work on later