New Bromon Idea: "kool_kid164 Gaming Bromon"

Make a ‘kool_kid164 gaming’ bromon. Here is the logo.
Kool_kid164 (1)
A catchphrase could be “Too kool to katch”

This is cool

Love It!!! :3

Nice idea! Please tell us more. If you are having troubles, refer to this Bro-mon format guide!

i cant see the image

ok thx

  1. kool_kid164 (may be edited)
  2. New Element “Gaming”
  3. A legendary gamer from the far reaches of the CyberState ‘BYTE’, this bot completely programed in C++ makes pro Fortnite gamers look small in comparison. It loves to eat your game! Beware!
  4. away.Bro-Mon idea - Google Docs
  5. Mythical
    If you can’t access the Google doc, contact me right away.Bro-Mon idea - Google Docs


thx, took me an hour 2 make

hey im gonna ask you somthing and if your intrested that is great

me and @AngelicWeapon are working together to make bromon. would you like to be the animator?


okay :smiley:

well im still coming up with a better description for the new bro-mon but yeah animation would be useful


any other ideas for a bromon i can draw?

i posted an idea to make cryptids you can look at it for ideas

@kool_kid164 can you see if you can animate this or remake it?

Yes, I’ll do it at 6:00 pm

have you started yet @kool_kid164