New bromon - number of votes

who knows how many votes i need for my bromon suggestion to be added? Is it 10?

Hey :wave: So actually there isn’t a certain amount of votes for any bromon to be added, it’s entirely up to @sweezy. Some added ideas range from 3 votes to beyond 30! It doesn’t matter as long as @sweezy sees it fit. Thanks, @Catstrophe


@Catstrophe is Correct :bulb:

But another thing is that maybe if Sweezy votes your Bromon could be added

if it has alot of votes and Sweezy votes if could be added

so basically if Sweezy see it fits XD

“Vote” is the fastest way to make it get a higher chance to get add…Wait not that way when CringeXD did…The more votes,the more chance to earlier…


No, Splashy had only 3 votes (and is very good), and its get added!

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I see the “Broomzo” also have only 3 votes…I don’t remember

Splashy is a bro on idea?

You should look at the back of bro-mon cards, yes it is just like a lot others

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Ok :+1:

Okay :nerd: :+1:
