๐ŸŒŸ New Download Button for Custom Cursors โ€“ We Need Your Feedback! ๐ŸŒŸ

Hey everyone,

We, the Sweezy Cursors team, are excited to announce that weโ€™re adding a download button for all our custom cursors in .cur and .ani formats for Windows on our website.

We have 3 icon options for this button:
  • 1 - A download arrow with a disk underline.
  • 2 - A minimalist download arrow.
  • 3 - A Windows icon.
0 voters

Thereโ€™s a poll above, and we ask all our community members to vote on which icon they find most visually appealing and functional.

Thanks for your input!


I prefer the number 1, In fact, it looks more like the download buttons on various websites :wink:

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First one please!

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fr first one

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why is @Kirboโ€™s pfp is the same as @SophiaBeifongโ€™s pfp?

Thank you all very much for your help. We chose option 1.

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