New Idea for Bro-Mons! MHA And DEMON SLAYER!

Okay so like I’m think that a lot of People would really Love an anime Bro-mon! So maybe just maybe! If they can I think that making MHA and Demon Slayer Bro-mon’s that it would be a huge and really cool thing to do! I mean like a lot of people like anime right!?

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I’m a big fan of anime myself, and that’s a cool idea! We’ll definitely try to create something like that.

If anyone has ideas about how they envision the anime Bro-monsters or which characters they’d like to see first, feel free to share here.
Otherwise, we’ll come up with something cool either way!


Yay! I can’t wait!!

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am an demon slayer fan

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R.I.P Akira

@sweezy how about NInjamaki idea? Is inspired on Naruto idea…

kaiju no 8 bromon?

omg he’s back


What about dragon ball z?

and jjk