New(Kinda) Bug in Bro Mon!

so guys, My bug was that when you merely click on a bro mon but not defeat it, you can get 20 a day lol :3 Please see this @sweezy ! It think that because catching a bro mon means you got it, if we did not beat the bro mon it qualifies as either we lost or that we never even clicked on it and will soon give a new bro mon.

Bro I don’t think this is worth pinning

It’s just a bug

Let alone globally pinned :skull:

happend to me

lol its more like a glitch not a bug-


ima try this an an alt account

yee can u equipt the flair for WarriorCats pls?


go to the top left click on ur avcater then click on preferences then scroll down then click on flairs

But im a anime fan
And I suggested the idea

oh ok anw thx for selecting it anw u can change it to anime fan too :3

the warrior cats thin matches my pfp more

ill just equipt this for now


ima try and change it to a better one :3

@TheBssimulator this doesn’t need globally pinning

That’s what I said :skull:

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