New monster idea bhudda

It’s a part of my culture thailand

@kommachu dvx

What rarity/type

I believe in this religion must vote

Bro, you can’t make a Bro-mon out of a religon. That’s disrespectful

Ur disrespectful

Bro maybe cuz ur not it’s religion doesn’t mean it’s bad I am a Buddhist so I approved

U R SO disrespectful

I do not believe in buddha, but are you not disrespecting your culture?

wow, i did not even read this post when i posted mine! i said the same thing

Cmon man, please delete this before i flag you to kingdom come

Pretty cool! But you should change the idea to something else less…Uhh…Because keep the whole original is not that good for a game

We if I was I would of said something offense to my religion like he’s bad

Yea I know u guys aren’t all the same religion so I gotta admit it’s maybe offense to different religions?:slightly_frowning_face:

And Bro-Mon isn’t really meant for religious stuff or Gods, but language related stuff might be allowed but I don’t know

facts I was trying to be nice to my culture

Don’t call me that I’m just a 8 year old

:skull: 8 year old?

legendary or mythical