New Monster idea🌟🌷

Name: Pyrowl
Type: Webby
Crush level: Mithical
Catch Phrase: Fire Meow, you smell
Appear: A fire smoke
Description: A sleek, feline-like creature with glowing ember eyes, a mane of flickering flames, and shadowy smoke trailing from its paws. Its tail ends in a burning wisp that can change in intensity based on its emotions.

cool voted

ty :emojigolem_grumpy:

Why is it Webby type?

I’m a alowwed to add one here 0_0

this is so cool ima vote

did u like mine

just want it to

Oh…But you can’t, the type isn’t for your choice but it’s for what type is the monster about. Like a bear will be Wildify, a cursor will be Cybrrr and a food bro-mon will be Foodie…

AI But still voted


no advertisement please


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if you just told me I would’ve taken I down u didn’t have to flag xd

yeah mb but this happens all the time and frequently angers people that’s why if i see advertisements i tend to take them down

its okay

I’m srry for ad


can you please vote for me