New Monster Ideas

Name: Mouthon
Crush: Epic
Browsarr: Mouthon is a mouth. He has been looking for his lost father for years now. But one day he saw something out of the corner of his eye and there he was Pro V Bas

Please vote

this is very creative, i feel like if it gets popular enough it will be added

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also you should move the topic to “new monster ideas”

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Name: Gutifis
Crush: Common
Foodie: Gutifis is an avocado with hands and arms sticking out of it. He has been trying to figure out how to make Guacamole. After a while he figured out it was himself

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i like it

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Name: Eyebrat
Crush: Epic
Fan Fave: Eyebrat is eye that is always teasing about how good he is. But one day he saw the sweezians. The sweezians where good to for eyebrat and he finally gave up

Name: Amber
Crush: Legendary
Fan Fave: Amber shoots fire whenever fighting. She lives in a volcano. She has a torch in her hand. If she comes out she dies


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Name: Bombastic
Crush: Mythical
Foodie: Bombastic has four eyes and two noses. He shoots apples and bananas. He has a watermelon as his head. He has been searching for the lottery for along time now. But never won.

Name: Wetasky
Crush: Common
Cosmix: Wetasky is a dog with tears falling from his eyes under the night sky. He is holding a box, but what could be inside the box. He never opened it again

Please vote

i really want these bro mon ideas to be in the game so please vote

Name: Angelo
Crush: Epic
Fan Fave: Angelo has a bow in his hand that shoots grapes. The only thing he eats is grapes, all he cares about is grapes. Soon enough he will be a grape

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um could you draw out some of the bromons please

What does my creation have to do with you mouther