New ‘The Bro-Mon Brothers’ Bro-Mon

should I close this and put DONE on it?

oooh okay

nah not yet. juuust in case :sweat_smile:

I would keep it open

@sweezy did you add this bro-mon? i don’t know yet bc i only got one of the new ones :sweat_smile:

no, mythical is highest crush

yea but you can make new ones. like mine got 26 votes: New ? rarity suggestion

@sweezy is this getting added bc of the vote?

This kinda died for a while tbh :among_us_yellow_twerk:

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Yeah, that means he likes it. But the devs still have to see it and draw it.

Most likely yes, but the devs still have to draw it.

Oh ok :slight_smile:

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i hope this gets added

yea me too @sweezy even voted :smiley:

:slight_smile: me too


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yes :+1::+1:

I love that movie

i like it