Not a goodbye đź‘‹ from Codebug (me)

Hey @everyone! I should say goodbye :wave: from Sweezy community. I’ll back because it’s my school :school: time. You know I just a kid :boy: 10 years old, Like guys at school :school: I am busy everyday, not have a lot of free time to visit here. But I will not log out. I still on this community in weekend (or not)

@sweezy please pin this? Thanks!

Maybe if you want…At this time i’m chill so don’t want to have a fight…but will They accept?I don’t know…Anyway,comeback soon!

okay bye for some time

Ahhh yes torture

anyways bye for awhile stay safe.

I not fight with u


the sigma

I didn’t say i wanna fight…Oh…Sorry,actually I mean about the pin "If you want…"And the “fight” is also about that…maybe I created a fight in silence…

:neutral_face: definitely something a 18 yr old would say