Nothink here nothink here


what do you mean?
For the image 1,I actually don’t know how to do that,“the person that I don’t want to says out” make those video.
For the image 2,I don’t understand

I’m male


But the “her” word is remaning

I watching it


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In the bell

One more her word

I don’t think that person want me to says out…But you need to know that…That’s my relative,so it’s could says that it’s our channel.This is for picture 1
For picture,what?He show English dictionary and you says I don’t keep the promise,okay,what is happen with the dictionary?I didn’t says anything about it.
For the promise…i didn’t even PROMISE anything.


a another facts: you are 12 years old but you’re very very bad of english! You are a lair

Hey,didn’t I tell you that 'the person that I don’t want to says out" do it?

What do you want from a 12 years old kid?
And…No one ask you to tell that fact

No one ask the fact bro…

And you can’t do it? So you showed me your YouTube channel is color for it? And why you asked the ẩn danh to show me on YouTube?


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Hello,anyone here?

me :catstrophe_angry: :catstrophe_angry: :catstrophe_angry: :catstrophe_angry: :catstrophe_angry: :catstrophe_angry: :emojigolem_angry: :emojigolem_angry: :emojigolem_angry: :emojigolem_angry: :emojigolem_angry: :emojigolem_angry: :emojigolem_angry: :emojigolem_angry: :emojigolem_angry:

One of them want to see reply so I do it :+1: