Pikapoo a new bro-mon

Name: Pikapoo

Level: Epic or Legendary

Type: FanFave

Description: Pikapoo is a pikachu that was abandoned by his trainer. His current mission is to troll the Pokemon players for all eternity.

It is the same idea?

Yeah is it



not funny


Ok ok

i dont appreciate your sarcasm. you are 10 years old right just by the way you type


Idk this idea is strange. Make it something more like PikaBoo!.

Make it like a pikachu ghost or something

pick a poo is better than pick a boo

Nobut a Pikachu X King BOOOO from mario= PikauBOO!

pick ooa boo uou?

looks just like what i thought it would

nice idea

you could submit that

Nah it is a segestion for you.
