Please make a doge bro mon

My friend loves the doge meme, No idea why but she does. I on the other hand think its cool. Idk how rare it would be so just make it random please.

Oh I forgot to tell you that you need to make stuff…

Wdym make stuff


I don’t understand T^T


Alr ig

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Name: Doge
Type: FanFave
Rarity: Epic or Rare
Phrase: Idk what to put here.
Description: Idk what to put here but include the doge army and their leader (me).

There is an example.

I voted.

OOO, Thank u! I’m not rlly creative at this point. Im so tired :emojigolem_crying:

Me too… With school.

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Description:Born in a village being attack,the Doge stand and create group to fight back the enemy.A brave soldier from the village.

School= Tiredness, pain.

It’s too short I guess

Waittttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttt. We should make a doge storyyyyyyyyyyyyy!

But I’m tired

But you guys don’t have too. I just made a suggestion.

So am I… So am I… :emojigolem_crying:

Me too

Ima make a tired place called ‘The tired place’