Please vote for bromon hotdog and ill vote for yours

Continuing the discussion from Please vote for bromon idea hotdog type foodie type epic please if you vote for mine ill vote for yours just tell me your bro-mon:

Ok, voted!

Here are the links


i voted

and for Auroradragon?

i had already voted for auradragon i thought it was a cool idea and its already done so sweezy is going to put it in

i was your 100th vote

Bro I just saw in your profile, you didnt, and i checked in Auroradragon and it hasnt

it has already don it and you auradragon is going to be pur in the game and i cant waste my votes i only get a certain amount a day sweezy has already approved it so it does not need more votes but ill vote anyways

Sweezy got rid of vote limits

well still your auradragon does not need more votes its already approved by sweezy

yeah but why dont vote?

still ok, i will not force you,

just voted

eCaht later!

Oh ty!

In Sunday i will vote with @Pancino

I voted u don’t need to vote :grinning:

Why is this suddenly fine? Ativelysane and the rest of the community would burn you alive rn… THIS IS CHEATING. you have to earn it not bribe for it